We serve all throughout southern and even a good portion of central Alberta. Our goal is to make you happy with our friendly and efficient service! We will never be satisfied unless you are! Images will be redone until satisfactory!
Our goal is to provide a friendly service that is open and engaging. If you have any questions on how drones operate we are happy to answer any questions you may have!
We primarily focus on thermal imagery/mapping, pet searches, search & rescue, wildfire management, inspection of infrastructure, rooftop inspection cell/radio tower line of sight surveys, live stock and agriculture, real estate, b-role, and more. All pilots are certified thermographers through FLIR’s ITC (Infrared Training Centre) sUAS Thermography courses. Training is based upon ANSI/ASNT CP-105 and SNT-TC-1A standards.
We are capable of flying in congested airspace and near airports. Our gear is also intended to fly in harsh environments and bad weather such as heavy rain.